You are free to believe what you choose and what you do attests what you believe.
Real motivation does not need us to set up a system to accomplish the task, gamify or think about what we really need to make. Real motivation forgets all the side-cases that might happen, it’s this internal fire that drives us, flowing naturally between the boundaries of time and space.
* We only think of doing what we must do, be it easy or be it hard. *
Our states of mind are directly associated to events that may provoke alterations in our possibilities, our choices. The moods are predisposition for action, and they are the the lenses of which we observe life, relationships, people, facts. They are our interpretation of the world, changing our state of mind, we change our world.
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”
― Patañjali
Problems are the start point of all the inventions. The inventor of the light concerned of solving the problem of gas lighting deficiency; The one who invented the chair concerned on solving the problem of sitting on the floor. All the inventors actually saw in problems a opportunity, one that allowed progress to be made.
Conversations are the basis of all human communications, and I see in Problems or Opportunities the two faces of the same coin. Altho there is those who only see the negative side of what happened, regretting and tiding itself to explanations, I see in problems a new door to life. I choose to make new observations and new declarations, recognizing the needs that are implied.
Solving Problems in a easy way:
Our natural tendency is to find an explanation to what happened. The resistance emerges when our explanations and justifications prevent us from making the effective actions to solve our problems. We must form a web of help, because every problem there is allow us to identify other persons or entities that may cooperate to our solution.
To create a web of help, we must ask. And only effective action can solve the problem and catapults a dynamic change. But to ask we have to stop fearing the no as an answer, and when realizing that, our lifes can really improve. The result of a conversation for action is a deal about who compromises to do what/where/how and even when. It is a win-win situation because we compromise to action, showing disposition to solve the problems of life.
“Do not leave doors ajar. Open them or close them up for good. Through the gaps, slits and crevices pass only half-lives, half truths and much folly.”
To stay in the world of explanations is a form of escaping from action, choosing for the resignation, accepting the status quo. The new possibilities expand our horizon of choices and we can always choose to free ourselves from mental slavery and open up to new opportunities.
#Day 15
Reviving #The100DayWritingProject