Wisdom gave empowerment.
Philosophy taught me how to love wisdom.
philosophia comes from the Greek, and it literally means “love of wisdom”. A philosopher isn’t just a guy which is accustomed to sit still for long periods of time and use big words for small matters. This is really a question of love.
I see in cultural approaches like arts and philosophy a way to make things bigger, and this perspective is increasing a lot worldwide, the culture is stagnated and we need powerful approaches to change the status quo.
I’ve came across the New Acropolis school of philosophy here in Brazil after 11/11- the world day of philosophy. And after watching a whole day of seminars on the topic “Work as a tool of provoking change in the human being and the society” not only could give me a wider perspective on the importance to thinking critically and embracing the wisdom, but in the power that comes by intentionally seeking for teachings from old and new ideas, standing in the shoulders of giants.
“There the eye goes not,
Speech goes not, nor the mind.
we know not, we understand not
how one would teach it”-Upanishads
Philosophy has always felt to me as an answer, a true one. It is like a nice pair of glasses to observe problems or aspirations. Today I went to another seminar on the topic of happiness, and I was shocked to see how applicable and effective it is to balance the three main parts of the self. Which are modeled (superficially speaking) as the physical body, the emotions, and the intuition.
I have lots of things in which I would like to share but don’t yet have the words to do it. That is because I am mastering my craft and seeking for wisdom, and I know that this kind of thinking process must be shared.
It is spreading a wave of positive impacts, causing the same kind of comfort that I feel deeply in my chest. I may have realized what emotions others felt 2500 years before when they where first talking about “What is the meaning of life”.
It is the knowing that I am just happy with the present as it is that motivates me to take further action. Without seeking for any external satisfaction nor anchoring myself on others, like they were some kind of punching bags. I am able to take full responsibility for whatever outcome I will experience, and then want it so badly that it turns out to happen eventually.
I really think that someday all this books that I am reading will be externalized, creating a modern and useful perspective to help those struggling in life like I once was or still am some time to time. But most important of all, philosophy is forming a unique and magical perspective of what I think that it is truly important in being alive. And that is why I just wake up and that is enough of a reason to be glad for.
Based on that, what I know is already pretty useful in my own experience. Although, I am not and never will, be able to express using English words all the images and knowings as objects of reasoning, being adequately described by words.
Absolute knowledge is seen as entirely non-intellectual experience of reality, an experience arising in a non-ordinary state of consciousness which may be called a ‘meditative state’ or mystical state. That such a state exists has not only been testified by numerous mysticisms in the East and West but also is indicated by psychological research. — Fritjof Capra
My intent here is to make my best effort to provide the means to show how to apply in life the teaching and ideas of the old giants. I can find in myself some comfort knowing that humanity can become wiser even though the impossibility of communicating absolute knowledge using words.