Why Not Everyone Is Experiencing The Global Evolution Of Consciousness.

Fernando Aguilar
6 min readJun 16, 2018


Live as if you already have it. The more you train yourself to do this, it becomes a new subconscious program.

Part of the initiation process during the awakening is learning self mastery of your emotions and thoughts in the physical plane.

I believe we are one,
but we are very, very different from each other.
We are an unique expression of the universe.
We are star-stuff having a human experience.

You will begin to live in a state of pure knowing.

Every time I sit down to create I can feel this resistance inside. The social programming that keeps me away from speaking myself with freedom is a small voice telling me what I should or shouldn’t do.

I can feel a force pushing me away from speaking the truth.

Because subconsciously, I’m afraid of what others will think if I start speaking about polemical things like the pineal gland, the fifth dimension, indigo childrens, the chakra system, love, respect, meditation, etc, etc, etc…


It is about time to take responsibility and speak what comes up in the mind.

Writing a new text without applying a filter again is a slow process. It might not be perfect at all, but the beginnings are never perfect.

It becomes easier to acknowledge the perfection of an imperfect world when change turns out to be far more important than the end result.

In school they don’t teach us what it means to be a sovereign being. But in real life, sovereignty is the willingness to take responsibility for our own actions.

Some Still Act Based On Social Programming and Those Rules To Fit In.

Some of us are literally being brainwashed by big players without even noticing. Based on news, magazines, and even your favorite youtuber.

Today in this article I’ll give my perspective about why not everyone is experiencing this evolution of consciousness that’s occurring at a much faster rate than the physical evolution.

And stop feeling that it’s all your fault. You cannot change unless you become aware that something is happening under the table. Don’t stress over it, laugh as much as you breath and we will be fine as a group.

“The universe is an integration of independent energy fields that are entangled in a mesh-work of interactions.”

— Bruce Lipton, The biology of belief.

In the process of becoming better, we are sometimes stuck into repetitive loops of mistakes.

After teachings and knowledge, we forget to come back and validate which were the victories in the field of emotional intelligence.

After realizing that our environment controls our beliefs, I started making conscious decision to keep my environment as clean as possible, as positive as possible. This not only gave me a better clarity in life, but was also a precursor of my own big conscious change.

Environment as Belief Definer and Change Provoker.

And for evolution to happen, I had to stop sugar coating my thoughts to actually speak about things that I believe are important…

I decided that nothing will stop me from pushing forwards and becoming better. Sometimes we need to understand that we are doing our best, even if it does not feel like good enough.

Our beliefs play a huge hole in the process of becoming better. If we believe that we are becoming better after taking a pill, we will get better soon.

This is called placebo. But as it works positively, it can also work negatively.

In the words of Gandhi,

“Your beliefs become your thoughts.
Your thoughts become your words.
Your words become your actions.
Your actions become your habits.
Your habits become your values.
Your values become your destiny.”

Okay beloved ones, I greet you.

I know that I have deviated from the initial topic a little bit, lets get back together... Thanks for sticking with me.

Instead of cleaning the mess in the floor, let’s start fixing those holes in the roof from where water is dipping and making the mess in the first place.

This needed to be said.

Holding what you are about to read was hurting me a lot…

The amount of knowledge available is becoming smaller because social media is literally numbing us, into repetitive thoughts and ideas.

We get the illusion that something is new and then crave more of it, when in reality, the majority of posts are just more of the same.

We are living with other people’s beliefs in the subconscious. Maybe consciously we might say that we want a job, but if the belief behind it is one of not worthiness, then we will have a hard time getting a new job.

We are becoming spectators of other people’s lives. We are becoming Human livings instead of human beings. And that’s never beneficial.

Naomi Hébert

A Dumb Population Accepts Everything.

This brainwashing thing may be part of another rant.

If it’s not making a lot of sense now, allow me to go further.

You may not know why I’m speaking about brainwashing if you live in a first world country like Sweden. But for me that currently lives in a third world country, I can see it and acknowledge how fucked up we all are.

I am a crystal child. Part of those helping humanity to evolve past the veil of illusion. No excuses… I can feel the wisdom beyond my years.

Recently I’ve been reading and taking time a lot of time to nurture myself. This is very important if we are looking to become better. Taking responsibility to actually go inwards and realize that the outcome is fractalized, and we will always get more of what we are.

If we keep complaining and hoping for things to become better, they will hardly get better. If we cultivate a grateful heart and act uppon opportunities, things will soon get better.

We should stop pretending that everything is good hoping that they will become better someday. We should start getting conscious about our ignorance.

Freedom comes in the absence of hope.

Will Cornfield

A Dumb Population is Afraid to Rebel.

It’s specially important for us to step up the game if we want to notice how are these big players controlling our feelings and emotions or take responsibility for our own direction in life...

I can feel a force pushing me away from speaking the truth because subconsciously, I am afraid of what others will think if I start speaking about polemical things.

Are these ancient wisdom's just a lot less interesting than the new album of Kenny West? Or are we just focusing on not so beneficial things? Or am I just too old for this shit?

What I bring in this article is the opportunity for you to become someone different and far better than you have been. A big mistake of majority of people is to think that they are static as a marble sculpture.

  • Can YOU use your energy to manifest changes instead of being a victim?

I suggest you to stop now for a few seconds and with honesty, reflect about your existence. Is everything going the way you want or is there something taking you from your empowered position? Observe your hard times and also the easy ones.

Reflect upon who you have been.

We need to know where we are today so that we can take the appropriate route to get where we want to go.

I’ve been busy reading, I’ve been busy living. And when we read and apply the information in real life, we acquire wisdom.

And I can speak about a beautiful mutual loving society only because I have been already out of this Matrix.

Now I come back to speak my truth. And others are resonating with it.

You are not alone. 👁

As always,
Thanks For Reading ❤



Fernando Aguilar
Fernando Aguilar

Written by Fernando Aguilar

• • Outputting thoughts as they emerge from inside ••

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