Why CHAOS Makes Your Future Unpredictable
If we knew exactly the laws of nature and the situation of the universe at the initial moment, we could predict exactly the situation of that same universe at a succeeding moment.
But even if it were the case that the natural laws had no longer any secret for us, we could still only know the initial situation approximately.
If that enabled us to predict the succeeding situation with the same approximation, that is all we require, and we should say that the phenomenon had been predicted, that it is governed by laws.
But it is not always so;
It may happen that small differences in the initial conditions produce very great ones in the final phenomena. A small error in the former will produce an enormous error in the latter. Prediction becomes impossible…
We may regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future.
An intellect which at a certain moment would know all forces that set nature in motion, and all positions of all items of which nature is composed, if this intellect were also vast enough to submit these data to analysis, it would embrace in a single formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe and those of the tiniest atom;
for such an intellect nothing would be uncertain and the future just like the past would be present before its eyes.
— Pierre Simon Laplace, A philosophical Essay On Probabilities
I would just advise you to go serenely and seriously through the period of your development.
There is no worse way to disrupt your development than to look at the external world and hope that an answer comes from outside for the questions that only your inner feeling can perhaps answer at the quietest time.
You look out, and that is most of all you should not do now.
No one can advise you and help you, no one.
There is only one way. Turn to yourself. Investigate the motive that drives you to write; see if it extends its roots to the deepest point of your heart, confess to yourself if you would die if you were forbidden to write.
Especially this: ask yourself in the quietest hour of your dawn: do I need to write? Unearth a deep response from yourself.
And if it is affirmative, if you are able to face this serious question with a strong and simple “I need”, then build your life according to such need;
This life must become, even in the most indifferent and irrelevant hour, a sign and a testimony of that impulse. So get close to nature. Seek, as the first mans, to say what he sees and experiences, and loves and loses.