What is a challenge?
Challenges are definitely what creates progress in life. The act of just facing some challenges is pretty scary.
We are humans and we all have challenges in a daily basis. Waking up early could be a challenge, eating natural food could be a challenge, not drinking alcohol could be a challenge. But in my opinion, challenges come and go, they are all dynamic and easy to overcome if the right effort is applied in. I do have a challenging life, but it’s an investment, I’m telling you.
Difficulties are relative, and is is pretty tempting to say that our life are just too hard to be true. When analyzing the whole from a different perspective, we can assume that it is not hard at all. It could be challenging, but not difficult. Hard is having to work in farms, having to do strength, not having the endurance of food in the end of the day. Hard is a single mother with two minimum wage jobs and a child to raise. Hard is handling all the unimaginable tragedies in a hospital. Hard is what require us to be super humans.
I’m not saying that studying about all the things I study isn’t hard. I’m saying that instead of being petty on the work I do is not the way to advance, because there are a lot of other problems which I can’t even think of having. For sure, the way of analyzing my challenges is to look at them not as this pre-concept of a challenge (something daring) but as in reality, a call-out, a better communication and opportunity to become my greatest version.
Overcoming it might be possible or not. To persist is to have the mindfulness and foot on the ground to say if it is going to cause any impact or fulfillment in the end of the process. In my history, many challenges have passed. Today I store in my memory not the momentary suffer that I had, but the glory of looking back and not seeing those events as challenges anymore.
I don’t think that there is the toughest specific one, instead, there are lots of relative feelings and fears. We can choose to be ambitious or to be hopeful. We can choose to be actors or coadjuvants of our own lives. What changes is the basis of a path finding. By being actors, we create our trails, we make the future and we learn from the past. The other option is to just be the victim of the causality, and then, regretting not having overcome challenges when it is too late to cause any impact.
After the road is built, it is not possible to change the path. When planning and building, we can easily avoid those big obstacles by just previewing and analyzing.