The Super-Power We Were Born With
“I am that person I believe I am.”
No one can change another person.
We can only sit on the sidelines observing and comparing.
Sometimes people appear to be lost, while at other times, it seems like the person is changing his or her life drastically.
Most of us are often trying to change others while we ourselves are tied to the same toxicity that we observe in them, but we cannot see in the mirror.
There are some things we can immediately do to get off the suffering road and begin to travel on the enlightenment road. It is on the enlightenment road that we are able to go freely without our toxic beliefs and values.
For many, the enlightenment road is only a myth.
We cannot remember ever seeing or being on it. And to make matters worse, we have never seen anyone on this road. But this is only a matter of language, you can choose to use the word “positive” instead.
The process of change begins when we say with feeling and commitment:
“I acknowledge that I’m responsible for the current conditions in life.
I acknowledge that my actions created the current conditions in my life.”
This acknowledgment is the first step to get us moving into a different state of consciousness.
And in this new state of consciousness, we become able to see the other road filled with layers preventing us the good life.
Powerlessness is what prevents us from believing we have the power to change our lives without relying on others to tell us how to do it.
When we realize that we are responsible for the conditions in our lives, we also confirm that our beliefs and values are the tools we use to create an identity in the society.
And then become aware that “I am that person that I believe I am.”
In my opinion, all that we know comes from these beliefs and values. They are responsible for the current conditions we are struggling to overcome.
So we have the choice of continuing on the suffering road or to change our thoughts and begin searching for beneficial knowledge.
These choices you make will determine if you can see and hear or continue to be blind and deaf.
Thanks For Reading ❤
#Day 63