Turning wonders into normals?
To stop trying to please everyone and make only the effort to please myself is the most struggle I have to make in a day-to-day basis.
Because of my willingness to feel the suffer of those that surround me, I have to make something, at least something, to minimize their pain. But there comes the problem, because I’ve realized that we are only responsible for our own actions, and our own actions are what makes us be who we are.
When I am in a lot of pain, there isn’t a guru at my side revealing all the untidy knots in life. Even when I was a small boy, I had to face my problems. And running to my mom was purely seen as escapism. Now I keep running… But I can’t run from big troubles anymore. I might be willing to stand my ground and face it, or even lay and accept, but to run is the dumbest thing ever. We not only spend more energy running but eventually we are caught, and the wave is higher, tougher.
Tonight we have to make decisions, every and each night we have to make them. Am I willing to make a step further and accept the eventuality, the cause-effect, the randomness? Or will I continue to find language on why things are miserable or incredible?
I see no intelligence in putting effort on answering the “why’s” of life, the complexity and inability of getting an answer is only higher than we are able of finding it, The Answer. And then, there is this huge resistance separating the imaginary and the concrete. On the thought of making a world a better place, its indubitable that questioning is vital and a fuel to creation. But in the thought of making progress, individual and focused progress, the questioning becomes also an form of escapism. And the human being can transform itself in a machine that performs all sort of speculations, but the vital ability it has, the transmutation, becomes weak because it lacks the emotional foundation and available energy for further actions and pain facing choices.
We come to a point where the short-term satisfaction is much more valuable than the long-term satisfactions. And is relating to those satisfactions that emerge the increasingly numbers on problems like drug dependencies, obesity, superficial relationships, depressions, weak sense of self and so on.
The human is not excluded from the same psychologies and biologies that monkeys or rats or ‘insert an animal here…’ are. We need to make the most out of the less, and eat, and shit, and eventually, reproduce. Okay, okay… We are not defined by our biology nor our bodies. But hormones are powerful stuff, and listening to the body speaking is vital in transcending the common needs in Maslow pyramid.
To consider itself excluded from the natures of infinite causation is the dumbest thing someone might consider. It’s the same as considering knowing it all, knowing everything. There isn’t any possible human able to acquire the infinitude, but our mind is a master in lying, and it may even convince one that there is...
To keep the apprentice mindset, knowing that you know nothing, is the smart approach in everyday choices. The self actualization comes one step at a time, and we should trust life’s process on healing and evolving us, because faith is the human super-power, and it can actually turn wonders into normals.