Simple Truth of Life Revealed
The Empowered Human — Secret —The Authority
Your truth will be different from others because of your experiences and beliefs.
The truth of life does not change anything in life except people’s minds. Things stay the same. The truth just removes the unnecessary suffering, conflict and confusion from life.
As you live and experience life, your truth changes.
We learn the truth from our experiences: At the end of the day we are all moving towards the same truth. At times you may not see it but in right time, all truth will be revealed.
It’s not what you look at that matters; it’s what you see.
Henry David Thoreau
The first point I must make is that it is hard to live the truth in all aspects of our life and it is a constant challenge to maintain the truth.
Truth is made up of your personal and universal experiences but is always governed by universal laws.
The same world is perceived differently by a frog and a cat, a cat and a dog, a dog and a human, a child and an adult, a woman and a man. You see something different than I do.
All perspectives are unique.
All I can say is that if you look over the list below you will see what is required.
These are basic requirements to live according to some general laws.
I hope you can see aspects of your life that already form a part of your truth and at the same time identify aspects that you know is right but have never questioned before.
You must always be in-tune with your instincts because they will always govern what is right and wrong for yourself.
Do not ever do something that you know is wrong. Do not ever work against the truth. This is a simple lessons but with major consequences.
Your truth should include:
Free will — the power to choose or decide freely
Freedom — a state or condition of being free
Service — the act of helping or serving mankindCo-operation — to work together
Love — to have a deep affection for
Honesty — truthful or free from deceit or pretenceTranquillity — calmness or peace
Forgiveness — able to be forgiven
Sympathy — the capacity for sharing the feelings of othersExpression — the act of expressing
Understanding — the ability or power to understand
Kind — considerate, friendly or generousThankfulness — grateful acknowledgement of a favour, gift, etc.
Harmony — a state of agreement or pleasing arrangement
Helping others — to make something easier, better or less painful for othersTrust — a firm belief in something
Peace — freedom from war, strife, or disturbance
Sharing — the act of contributing to combined effortConfidence — a firm trust
Faith — any trust or confidence
Tolerance — the ability to endure or put up with difficulties, etc.Compassion — a strong feeling of understanding, or sympathy for the another
As you can see we have a lot of work ahead of us.
But it is important to start working even if it is one aspect. You must start to work against the opposites of the truth.
I don’t want to mention the opposites, but take another look at the list and think of the opposites. This is what you must start to address in your life and change by working with the truth.
Truth should be applied to everyone no matter colour, race or creed.
Living life and living the truth is a two way street. They go hand in hand.
Now is the time to trust and open your hand to hold lightly the truth. You will be well rewarded. Life consists not only of the things you do, but also of the things you say and the things you think.
Apply the truth to every aspect of your life, starting from today.
Do you want to know more about the truth?
Everything is balanced. Everything physical (matter/energy) goes back and forth in balanced circles, cycles, or the equivalent. Birth-death, old-young, big-small, strong-weak, start-stop, up-down, rich-poor, beginning-end, fast-slow, hot-cold, pain-pleasure, win-lose, day-night, full-empty, high-low, in-out, success-failure, united-divided, give-receive, creation-destruction, on-off, positive-negative, etc.
Destiny: Not being in control does not mean our future is predestined. No one knows the future; the future cannot be known. Anything can happen. The only thing we can be certain of is that it will be balanced.
Consequences: People may think, if everything is balanced, then it does not matter what you do. That is true, if you want to continue living in the savage animal realm. If you want to evolve past the animal realm, to a realm where there is no fear, pain or death, you have to learn and spread the truth of life. You have to live as a spiritual being. If you live like an animal, you will continue to be one.
The truth about life is actually very simple;
It is just hard to see for the first time.
Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief. Frantz Fanon
Nothing is going to make any real difference in your life except separating yourself from the balanced physical world.
This perspective can and will change everything.
The truth reveals that you do not need to experience the bad to have the good.
The bad will still happen, but you will perceive it differently.
Thanks For Reading ❤
This is part of the series called the Empowered human.
You can check other articles of the Empowered Human here:
Much Love &
Peace &