The Shortcut To Human Transformation.
I don’t know any more about other opinions, but I’m starting to realize that we are machines to create newborn children. And to raise them.
This is our nature after all. Eat, sleep, shit, have sex, and repeat…
At least for some people. these are the only priorities of life. Other than drinking and doing drugs, of course…
But for more spiritually elevated people, this kind of priorities are too mundane. We need values, we need fulfillment over the material plane.
The evolutionary journey of a Universal Human begins the process that awakens us to our inner being as our higher self.
We shift from the creature human, who lives life as a self-conscious, survival oriented person, to the co-creative human, who is inspired by spirit to express and embody divine intent.
And when that shift has occurred, each of us will be able to say that we are no longer separated from the essence that pervades the whole universe.
But there are some steps in the journey to get there. I’m here to guide others as I was guided someday.
Freedom from the Urgency of Time Releases Us.
This freedom is allowing the local self to be absorbed in the vibrational field of the ever-present now.
In this field, the local self problems and issues are dissolved, not solved.
When we shift our attention down to the level of the problems we are trying to solve, we descend in our vibration.
From this vantage point, we feel separate and cannot solve our problems.
But once the self is lifted up into the love field, the stress is released.
The patterns are dissolved, and in that environment, the higher self can point out the truth of the situation to the local self.
You Can Carry On.
I don’t yet understand those that know their dreams but don’t have the courage to chase them…
According to Almaas, Essence (1986):
When we follow the deficiency as deeply as possible, it leads us to that part of essence that the local self has been seeking by trying to have some strategy in the outer world.
In other words, when we chase our dreams, we let the local self discover that fulfillment we’ve been seeking is already present in us.
Together with all the universe conspiring to help us with omens, Ego becomes the guide to the essence.
I somehow know that my new Russian neighbor can be a businessman while chasing the dreams he once had, even when his wife is waiting for the fourth kid and a Big family is a big appetite.
You will see how what we HAVE, is a world, a body and a mind, changing and ephemeral. But what, WE ARE, is Peace.
Observe how pure to observe is, in itself, what you are. All thoughts arise and disappear in you.
When one allows oneself quietly to experience the wound and memories connected with problems, the golden elixir will flow out of it, healing it.
This is The Shortcut To Human Transformation.
Ego’s search for satisfaction being over, because you’re not defending, not strategizing, leads you to that part of the pearl that it’s been seeking by strategizing.
The beautiful sweet fullness that will melt the heart, kill the mind, and bring the contentment in the Now that the individual has been thirsting for…
We discover that underneath all specific symptoms which feel so personal and unique, there is a particular problem springs. That is ego’s separation from our essence.
Or in traditional language, the human separation from god.
Therefore, the prime solution to almost all our problems is the reunion of ego and essence.
The miracle is that the ego self feels suddenly fulfilled, like finding within its own essence what it’s been seeking in the world. The local selves become wise enough to see themselves through the eyes of their own divinity.
From this view, there is no right and wrong, no good and no evil, only truth, and the truth set us free of judgment.
Thanks For Reading 💟
💎 The100DayWritingProject
💎 Day 06
Much Love &
Peace &
You are not alone 👁