The Art of Act.
Reactions… They come, always in response to specific actions and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction :
remember Fab = -Fab?
The disciplinary reason to generate good choices within action is so empowering that anyone should think wisely about his own reactions. The justification on how some traits of laboring truth provides a whole sense of dynamics in the motion of this three dimensional world transform truth into vibrations.
Thinking on the end is especially important if the whole part is to be directed to some destination. But yet, it is not the primary priority, because before thinking on the end objective of the action, one MUST find the joy in the process while making it. By doing that, one applies personal characteristics in his acts.
Combining two or more arbitrary characteristics allow the result of the craft to be far more valuable and meaningful than if it were just a copy of a single perspective, handed by the universe on the form of general information. I’m starting to find a leveling importance on accepting the beauty by itself, caring no more for the public opinions. Because if one care, he is reacting to a past event, and thus, loosing his own empowerment on the now, the present moment.
By starting to tap more on the process of getting out of the society grid, instead of watch and judge the manifestations of both joy and beauty, I started to gather information that provided a constructive perspective on how the magician can apply his illusions with an objective of delusional action. I think that culture (wisdom) is true power, and applied knowledge is freedom created with intent. The connections are present anywhere anytime, and finding the right ones provide a sense of motion, directing and progress, which leaves behind dependence and levy. The universal attribute of expanding or contracting itself is very like to the nature of the heart that pulses inside each of us.
“The heart of a man is the biggest mystery of the universe, it is the common denominator in the thought, the word, the action and the flow of the water”
The human heart is functionally similar to any other animal’s heart. This similarity makes me think on the why of eating the alike if we can have the choice to become better without any meat ingestion. And actually, by having a transparent and sincere conversation implied between the mind and the heart, is the easiest way to identify punctual opportunities to become a greater version of myself, to improve, to expand.
There is this Zen history how powerful choosing to act right is:
Two monks were washing their clothes on the river when one saw an scorpion drowning in the water. One monk reached in to save the creature and as soon as his fingers touched the Scorpion, it stung him, and the monk dropped the Scorpion back into the water… He then picked it in the water, and again, the scorpion stung the monks finger. After a few attempts, his brother asked confuse: “Why do you keep trying to save the scorpion if it stings you every time you come near it.” And then, after a pause to think on the answer, the monk said with a little smile: “Because each one does what corresponds, the scorpion stings, and the man has compassion”.
I think that every heroic act is a form of integration between the meaning and the shadow, the why. It is a form to connect the unknown dimension and the noble act of overcoming a step. The questioning is a vital part of the process, and obtaining an answer on the question (What is life trying to teach me with this?) is the understanding by itself. It is the knowing that happiness was obtained and a step was surpassed.
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