Return of Sovereign Minds.
What Is The Empowered Human — The Great Shift.
Sovereignty is the concept that gives you the responsibility to live life according to your own terms.
If you manage to be fully responsible for your actions, your safety, your work, your finances, your house, your life, then you are sovereign.
But for me, it all comes to a single set of laws. Theses laws are more related to how you choose to approach life and actions.
I feel that what has been happening on the planet is this:
People are purging themselves from the heavy energy. We are becoming aware and around the globe, people are realizing that being free is our birth-right.
I mean, what I say comes from my own personal life experience.
3 Century’s earlier, if somebody mentioned the hermetic principles they would be dead in a matter of days. Today we can speak pretty much about anything, and go anywhere.
If we have the requirements (money, will, strength), we can really and truly, experience life by our own terms. These concepts of freedom don’t come from a idealistic point of view.
This is rather, fruit of a lot of thinking and critical questioning. It is important for us to take action from a position where we’ll help the world to become better, instead of harming it.
If we do the right things, we are leaving a trail behind.
People can look at this trail and say: “a human being passed here and the place is cleaner that it was before.”
Sovereignty is not a new concept. Nor the ideas which I am about to present. But the new here is my unique perspective and word choices.
In this text, there are 3 important parts to pay attention to. 3 different perspectives.
Notice that this text is a member’s only, so if you clap for it, I will receive money according to your medium monthly subscription. I write a new locked text every Saturday, if you like reading this one, clap for it as much as you want. It helps me to become a more empowered human and break free from the matrix. I thank you from deep of my heart.
Now you are HERE, in this present moment.
1. We Are The Authority.
Thus, within themselves sovereign minds have to be the government.
They have to govern their mental space to experience the infinite whole.
We are being manipulated in a deeper level to think that we are free. The moment I stop to think about it, I loose focus.
All I want to do is simplify things. Back to it again…
Life is simple, or it should be.
For me, with all of this acceleration, we just come to walk in circles. If you are the kind always complaining that time moves so fast, then you should stop to realize that the planet is exceeding. We’re rushing around all the time without noticing that every step we make has a meaning.
A sovereign mind has the power of choice. It all comes down to a single set of beliefs which define where and what are you going to do with your energy. This perspective allow us to speak a new vision into our lives.
If one choose to speak for success instead of against it, one change unhappy to happy. One change unworthy to worthy.
Stop speaking against yourself and believe you deserve the life you seek.
2. It’s Okay To Live a Life That Others Don’t Understand.
It’s actually funny to write freely about anything. I’m expressing my opinion to anyone that wants to read it. It’s on INTERNET. You are only going to get some answers if you learn how to make the proper questions.
And not everybody will understand what you are questioning. Not everyone will have the same thought process that you have. It’s part of being unique. You start unveiling what is normal.
For me, the question is:
- How can one elevate the society if the single concept of being a sovereign mind creates separation from those that are mind-controlled?
If you need to have answers, forget it. The sky is blue, but you can’t see through.
If you are okay without all the answers, go ahead and make this kind of questionings.
All the time, in essence, like minds are connecting and forming a completely different mindset than the one we had before.
For other people around the planet too, to be a sovereign mind is to be free from all dogma and social beliefs which has been placed on humanity for so long.
I am glad to experience life in my own terms, to be frank…
Because I get to choose what I want to eat, what I will do today, what clothes I’m wearing or what things I will put my focus on. Traveling is liberating because it give us the ability to own our lives.
When we are in the student life, or the workers life, we are constantly placed in a reactive position. Always doing something to get somebody’s approval.
If you can step the game up and become the actor, then you go to a different position. You become unbelievably powerful. You become yourself.
If you are going to rebel, do it with purpose.
3. The Day I Broke Up With Normal Was The First Day Of My Magical Life
It’s funny for me to say this kind of things.
Who am I to say what is right or what is wrong? Who am I after all?
I can tell you something, this is me. Well. This is me saying some obvious things, exploring some ideas.
I am the movement, the balance and the law.
I am divine, I am creation, I am love.
But if you, the reader, wants to go further in this kind of questionings, I suggest meditating on it. Don’t go out on the street shaking people bones, trying to wake them up.
That is what resonance is. That is what the law of affinity is.
The truth can’t be told. It has to be realized.
We are living in a world that has multiple layers, multiple dimensions. And everyone is exactly where they need to be.
We can’t wake people up. A lot of the times, what we can do is just become examples of our own lives for when people look at us they say: “Okay, hmm, there is a sovereign being. One that is actually governing their internal kingdom.”
And if you choose to hear advice from a 21 years old kiddo without any knowledge on how to grow a beard, then you are in a position of superiority.
Because you acknowledge that every human being has something to teach, no matter the age, the race or the color.
It’s funny that all our life’s we are thought to hate the change, the different, the unknown.
But if we are really supposed to remain fixed in one point, can you explain me why our bodies grow at the first ages and shrink at the last years?
This text is part of the series called the empowered human. Here I am presenting my point of view on how to break free from the prison that society automatically put us since birth.
Thank You For Reading ❤
#Day 90