Our Body Is Our Home.
How can we describe our relationship with our houses? It just happens naturally. Our environment is part of our feelings.
I am a true believer that home is where the heart is.
I just live here. Someday I will move.
But, how to enjoy this time living in a place is another completely different subject. The most important thing is to learn how to be comfortable and grateful in the current position.
My body is a sacred temple because it is my home.
Sometimes I feel comfortable only being in arms distance from others. This happens because we are energy. There are force fields around us generated by our organs. And we need to protect our energy from the environment.
Loving is all about accepting what it is and how it is. For a long period of time, I hated my body. But then I realized that there is no way to change this. I just have one body and doesn’t matter if I love it or hate it, it will remain the same. Now I focus on giving it the best treatment.
Hating is in my opinion a very destructive way of facing the world.
We spend too much energy on it, and in the end, we impact nothing but ourselves and our mental health. To love is a well spent energy in a much more intensive way.
If we love, it means that we are in balance and we are often pushing ourselves to the limit of creation in higher frequencies.
In the moment we stop evolving we start stepping back. But realize that every obsession becomes destructive. Evolution is a one way road and the destination is a relative dream.
The Human Desire To Make Things Better Ended Up With A World Controlled By The Ego.
To run without a direction is to wait a miracle while in movement.
We are always trying to show up being better than others because deep inside, we want satisfaction.
If you crave a candy bar, it’s because of the pleasure in it.
If you crave a higher self connection, it’s because of the pleasure in it.
When we elevate the normal, we also elevate the ego. The pleasure becomes higher, but it’s not different than the search for pleasure in the first place. Why would you want to become better, is it only for pleasure of being better then others?
That’s my analogy while interpreting my relationship with my body. It’s always evolving and seeking improvements, but the direction have to be aligned with the collective. Not even close to the end nor stagnation.
If you eat death, you feel like death.
If you eat life, you feel LIFE.
I seek to learn in all facets of life because that’s what I came here to do…
To learn and have joyful experiences. My body is just another tool, in my opinion. It means a lot, but it is not how I define myself...
Seeking balance between the mind, the subconscious and the body is the way to balance life and achieve the super-aware mode.
Creating, changing and being the owner.
That’s sovereign life that escapes this 3D reality and goes directly into the 4D realm of sincronicity and the 5D realm of consciousness and inner knowing.
I Find In Chaos, Comfort.
I find in joy, ways to improve. I seek the universal truth, and my body is definitely the way of achieving it.
It is all that I have and I do care a lot. My body is the translation of the complex energy into space-time reality. The more we move it, the more time slows down.
In the end, movement give us more time to think, to feel and to be.
Our body is our houses.
And I keep mine clean and organized. It’s feng shui provides a clean environment for the mind to be soft and gentle in the thoughts.
Deep in my toughs, the structure of life is totally dependent on my foundation and columns. Those are our beliefs systems and values.
As always,
Thanks For Reading ❤