Let whoever think whatever;
Keep Getting Better
A Poem about “leap into faith”
You’re getting better.
You’re flourishing.
You’re leaving behind all that doesn’t serve your highest good.
You’re getting rid of negative thought patterns, habits and behaviors.
Deep down you know you can do better.
You know all the potential you have to create value for others.
Now is the time to step it up.
It’s time to step into the life that you dream of.
Even a small step forward is a step forward.
It does not matter how big your step is.
It does not matter how successful it is.
What matters is that you take a step.
Have a dream? A goal? A passion?
Take a step each and every day towards that dream, goal or passion.
You either want it or you don’t.
It’s time to make a commitment to yourself.
You’ve got this.
It doesn’t matter how you look taking the step.
You don’t even have to be filled with courage to do it.
You just need to do it… For you.
Because you are worth it.
visualize what you want
speak things into existence
feel it as if it is already yours.
and watch what you’ll end up attracting.
Thanks For Reading ❤