How To Reduce Stress
Chance favors people who do lots of experiments and then pay very close attention when something unexpected happens.
Nurture the kind of “prepared mind” that seizes the moment when an epiphany occurs.
Real insights come from getting out into the world and gaining empathy with people whose lives you want to improve.
Expressing is Easy, But Not Everyone is Ready For It.
How can one express it’s feelings if he oppresses what comes up to the outer layers?
When you stop expecting the desired outcome you become unattached to all the chains that create resistance within. We are here now, and there is nothing we can do with life other than wait with hope that things will work out better than expected.
If you are suffering from being the one without voice, realize that we all have a voice and it is internally loud.
The necessities of a man must be in alignment with his attitudes.
He is not passively waiting, but rather, doing his best to heal and increase the current frequency. Because by having a high enough frequency he starts creating the life experienced based on everyday choices.
“How you respond to a situation literally has the power to change the situation itself”
By being aware of the environment and conscious of the creations one can liberate oneself from social programmings made by entities and regulations.
I Remember When Everything Was Quite Simple.
That is what we all need most right now. Some law & order.
Some simple life away from negativity.
Simple: It is important to simplify the way you see and know life; it is the only way it can be known. It can be almost infinitely complicated, and trying to understand it all is what mankind is trying to do. We have to go the other way and see and know it in the most simple way, because it is the only way we can know all that can be known. We can never know all the details, they are infinite and it is impossible, but we can know the simple big picture of life.
Stress is about forcing yourself to be in an environment that you know is not good for your health.
I learned how to learn, but I don’t yet know how to prevent my own inner voice of manifesting a reality which I don’t get benefit from.
I can express gratitude with the bottom of my heart, but what use does it have when not even the highest forms of wave can show me the very next step for today?
By focusing on what brings joy, you start once again increasing the vibrational frequency of your own thoughts.
This process of becoming the greatest version has it’s ups and it’s lows.
But if you manage to complete the inner alchemy, you can liberate yourself completely from the pendular movement and fix the reality on an ever increasing spiral upwards.
To reduce stress we need a new perspective and a new perception, which is what we notice that creates reality.
It’s all about where you are focusing on.
Stress is always a choice.
Rather then portraying a life you want to be living, make sure you are living the life you want to portray.
Thanks For Reading ❤