How to escape the matrix and experience your best life yet.

Fernando Aguilar
4 min readNov 25, 2017


Unsplash — @markusspiske

Seeking for truth is a journey of commitment, it’s not easy to be always in pressure, waiting for the next big thing to come.

What is the truth? Can you handle it? The truth is the wisdom that goes beyond our norms of society. It is available easily for anyone who is searching for it, who is attuned in the right state of mind. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not saying that there is a universal truth, I just think that there is something they do not tell us in school. I’ve been there before.

Have you ever imagined being part of a game?

When I was young, I imagined myself being something like a The Sims character. Always being controlled by some giant finger, telling me to eat, talk, and even go to the bathroom. I used to felt in a stage.

It changed little by little, it surely felt weird to go to school, but I was being brainwashed with all the norms and also the dont’s. But what if we were different? Different from the rest, different from the script?

Suddenly you wake up in the matrix, and Morpheus is contacting you through the screen of your computer. Would you know it? Would you be able to search so bad for the truth that it came to you in a usual way?

The normal is another abstract concept here…

“The kind of experience we call ‘feeling’ is associated with all kinds of cognition. Novelty is often associated with uncertainty and conflict — terms that normally produce more negative than positive effects” — Robert Zajonc

We only comprehend a system when we try to change it from the inside.

For a change in the behavior happen, we must consider all the details, including the individuals and the environment. As the change occurs, the overall quality and values are revealed. The process of changing, itself, provides important information about the whole system.

And I cannot deny, this current system is too rooted in our lives. The drinking and recreational drugs became a pattern, the meat is good, they lie. Your 9–5 is the best shot for a nicer future, they say. Graduate or you will live under the bridge, they joke.

“When understanding that your fate depends on the fate of the whole group, the subject feels the need to take part of the responsibility for the general well-being” — Kurt Lewin

The unfrozen of our beliefs may be the most complex part of all, because people generally tend to hold on the mentality and routine already established. This is why change cause some resistance. Insecurity to abandon the comfort zone, passing trough the challenge of learning new skills and accepting a new conjunct of beliefs.

But the learning is way more effective when it is an active process, not passive.

The group coerces deep social effects in an individual, and a certain level of conformity helps important social roles. But the problem arises when people start feeling obligated to be part of the group, to adequate in the social norms. They are capable of pretending and even convincing themselves that the majority is right. The tendency of conformity may be stronger than the values and basic inner perceptions of the individuals.

But life is more like a dramatic representation

We are the actors in it. The social interactions are easily compared with a theater piece. The people in the stage try to create a favorable impression of themselves, acting according to a screenplay, scenery, figurine, skills and adorns.

There is the stage itself, where everyone in it is responsible for doing something in order to please the audience. And there is the backstage, where things happen without the audience being aware, it is where unroll our private lives.

There is also, the audience. A entity that only wants a good piece of entertainment and to see the performance of skills. For the imitation be harmonious, it is vital that there is a consensus between the identities, the social context, and the collective expectations upon the behavior of the actor. But this approach shows a destructive similarity to to life, not only because we are constantly in the deficit of our personality, but we are changing the roles, and not being ourselves.

We are by nature, social individuals. Love and belonging are in our biggest necessities and are not related to survival. The more difficulty we have in our closest interpersonal relationships, the more sad we become.

Extreme sadness may cause symptoms easily associated with mental illness, and the society treats psychological problems by fixing the interpersonal relationships; there is no necessity to use psych drugs.


The past got us where we are right now, and the choices we make are defining where we are going. To make smart choices is to be aligned with your true authentic self, and to be aware of all the psychological illusions that the system uses to diverge our attention, and thus, our energy.

The truth is inside each one of us, and to connect with our nature is the most smart thing to do. Maybe you may experience people around you changing, and thus becoming distant. But do not fear the unknown, embrace it and then be confident about the universe doing it’s thing, which is balancing everything, creating equilibrium in small doses.

#Day 17

Reviving #The100DayWritingProject



Fernando Aguilar
Fernando Aguilar

Written by Fernando Aguilar

• • Outputting thoughts as they emerge from inside ••

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