Choose wisely, then watch and learn.
Everything seems to change, but they still look like the same.
Everything seems connected, but they still look separate from each other.
Everything looks bright, but they still are light-less.
Everything is there for you to look, but with your eyes closed, they are not.
How am I supposed to understand this infinite duality of the world using logical reasoning if even my mind is part of it? There is not words in any language able to summarize the idea of waiting for a sunrise and then going back to sleep. There is not words in the human nature able to summarize how colors feels like, and how wonderful it is to have the sight.
And still, here I am, Expressing myself using a short amount of words. How convenient it is to describe such an experience with just letters and essential ideas. Are they numbers or symbols?
Maybe it is just a try, another of my failed attempts with good intentions.
There are emotions, which is energy in motion. There are our inputs, and then our outputs, causality at its most simple form. Universe is giving us the questions, and we are providing the answers.
Choose wisely where are going to spend your precious reservations.