Be Kind And Full Of Love…
Have Boundaries Like A Motherfucker
How to do individual growth
One of the things that adult life has taught me is that criticism is part of this crazy experience that we live. People will not always like you and guess what, it’s OK, as long as you’re at peace and not hurting anyone.
Many times we get stuck in a vicious cycle of confusion and unpreparedness.
But it is only by following through with action that we can find the right thought. It is not by thinking that we find the right action, but acting is the solution to when we are stuck, acting means we’re moving.
Just like running is better than standing still forever.
This another rant about personal development, feel free to not understand.
If you have any questions drop it down below.
A psychologically sick person is always looking for outside things to complain and lean like a crutch. And from the moment that a person of lower consciousness decides to be offended or flee from the words of truth, then I understand that it is not my fault. But that is part of the lessons one is facing.
Even though it seems normal, the need for others to be always around annoy me. It’s like a virus that sucks all the things that are around you.
And so it is vital to keep as much distance as possible and use the creativity and our abilities to channel that anger somewhere else. Change that which I’m feeling into something that is more important than just the ego which feels offended by having their personal space violated.
But I weight the consequences of some actions.
Even though I step on the floor with bare feet and appear to be a complex person for those who still do not know me, I am extremely simple to the inner eyes of consciousness.
The fights are uncommon to me, yet, others had already fought the same battles which I face.
If I am struggling daily against the demons of pride and anger and also of laziness, to find some way to escape this illusion imposed by the society where all interactions are composed of hatred and fear speech is a need.
To find a way to switch the mentality for one based on abundance and love at all costs is a must.
Somewhere there is a personal space pressure-free.
A place where we can have the freedom to think about all the feelings and have the humility to recognize and listen to the subtle messages that the universe has tried to pass for a long time.
Not everyone’s going to celebrate your growth,
your transformation,
your good news & higher journeyThat’s why YOU have to.
Previously I was very focused on paying attention to things that did not matter. To the point of completely ignoring the downloads which I was getting from nature.
These are messages of love and abundance which is the natural state of things. And living them is just a way to channel the energy.
It is necessary to explore these emotions, recognizing the habit of destructive behavior and then change it for a beneficial one instead...
It’s not a worthy being offended when someone invades our personal space.
Although it’s vital to establish limits to how far people can enter and become part of our lives, if we fail to draw this line, we might hurt others with false hopes and expectations.
This is why wisdom is required in order to maintain positive relationships, sometimes we make mistakes and that’s okay, as long as we learn from them and implement the lessons in future interactions.
Actually, I do not want to talk about other people because I realize that we all have everything we need.
The process of learning how to do things is only up to the individual. And thus it’s a conscious choice to focus on success. Dropping the social standards of what’s normal and beginning to set our limits up high.
Even though the world doesn’t need more successful people in the sense of trying to make money and grow at all costs, we need more success in the form of healers and teachers. People that devote themselves to be a channel and explore the best in others. Be it good leaders, artists, or inventors.
For trying to be successful means studying with ambition, pushing through the comfort zone, eager to understand the secrets of how stuff is done.
This how I will be able to raise myself from all the negative influence of the people around still stuck in a lack mentality. It is true that I am technically good and should use this in my favor to continue growing spontaneously, acquiring new skills and emerging into new areas of knowledge.
We should keep improving the way of communicating ideas. Since we cannot do things alone, eventually we’ll need to interact with others.
To form a network of connections that will allow me to create a gigantic amount of value for other people is a nice starting goal.
I notice that hate speech and the anger of some are very limiting beliefs that prevent us from growing forwards on the ladder of consciousness.
And so I struggle every day to understand how my mind works, to understand the details of the human mind, to observe how a thought form, and what problems I face in changing the focus when a negative thought arises.
For when I begin to realize what my problems are, I can be an example.
Others can also begin noticing in their own experience what their personal challenges are, what shapes them and what they can do to grow beyond that kind of barrier. Just because we are reflecting all this light coming from the inside out.
Putting the focus where is lacking stimulation helps when everything appears to be chaos.
I still feel very angry at the stupidity of people who let themselves be manipulated by traps like parties, games, political positions or other kinds of bullshit that leads nowhere.
In the meantime, every day I’m doing my best to create something excellent in my own quality standards.
What’s more confusing is knowing that not everything happening today will make sense tomorrow.
For example. Today I realize that I’m better writing and actually creating something than just watching content on any subject on YouTube.
But it’s complicated to break the cycle of just receiving information. It becomes vicious to just input information in the brain.
To start actually creating the stuff of our own and thinking requires effort which is coming from the very own mind which was chilling before.
But it’s more complex than that. For me to make things happen, to make sense of something that I still do not know what I’m capable of doing. Something I feel is coming, but I still have a lot to work on before experiencing this change.
Set goals, and meet goals according to your abilities.
And no matter the speed, when we are walking in the right direction, any stride is enough to reach a new floor in the building.
No matter how small is the step, the ant can walk tremendous distances.
Why Development of The Individual?
Individuality is embracing our uniqueness. Sharing a vision while remaining true to our natural disposition of characteristics.
These paragraphs are an externalized form of thinking. Each one gives a different idea, but they all sum up to form the meaning of the text.
Deep down we know that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
It all means more than simple words add together.
There’s a clear picture in my mind. We all can create something of value to others, but for us to really create, we need to first get our shit together and step into action and get things out of our thoughts.
Create something tangible which we can look at and actually observe with logic and critical thinking what are the good ideas and what are the ideas delaying the development of the individual.
This is a synonym of personal development and means becoming better for society but observing by our picture of view.
In my case, it means translating all my many feelings that are confused and clouded in this file. I’m trying to make it like a dance. thoughts go back and forth. These words are like a stretch of my mind. And how can I translate this is my own ability to find this focus within the self.
My current goals vary among branches such as the profession I choose to pursue, how I will make money, how to become a better person, and so on. And what I want to do with my life. In fact, I do not need to identify these topics as an obligation, it’s more like a play on words.
Teaching may not be my greatest skill, but I like the ability to speak and be heard with admiration that my words help in any way. A manifestation of my natural essence that in a way is aligned with the larger synchronous order.
I have been focusing lately on learning the knowledge required for the next 5, 10, 20 years. But this process never stops, it’s always mutating.
As Always,
Thanks For Reading ❤