Put A Little Love Into Your Heart.
Today, realize the amount of love you are giving will one day come back to you, and then stay.
Realize that a shell was created to protect us from what we tough to be external influences of the world.
But really and truly, it’s only after showing our true persona to the world that life becomes possible to be lived peacefully.
It’s only after removing our masks that life becomes peaceful and purposeful.
And perceive this article as a profound group of beneficial thoughts, a gathering of experiences that creates resonance and adds up to our beautiful dreams.
The outcome is part of an actualized version of our internal feelings.
It’s believable that we are in this cause together:
having a human experience and sharing with our closest ones all the love that’s our natural state of being, only because we want to have feelings and want know what it means to be human.
I’m starting to notice changes towards what was once a manipulated dream.
Because our experience is always a reflection of our internal feelings.
We are in this world to become better, and this task comes after creation and communication our ideas and feelings.
Our reality becomes a reflection of our beliefs.
And the now moment is somewhat like a miracle.
We are living beings. Programs or source players.
So what, all is happening based on our beliefs and you’ve probably heard this before. But what can you do with this information?
The Answer: You can choose.
You can choose to cultivate a belief that this world is benevolent, and it will be truth, and you’ll get more of that.
We are not defined by our genes. Our environment is the real definer.
And if we choose to believe that the world is benevolent, the reflection we get is a life where every person and situation always end up being better than we expect.
And synchronicity starts happening, and our best interest gets manifested.
And we begin using this space to bring more fulfilling experiences into our collective reality. If we believe we are worthy of receiving love and having it all, then what do you think will happen?
Energy grows where attention goes
That’s why it’s important to focus on what is beneficial. Instead of focusing on things and materialism, we should be focusing on having experiences and expressions. Because that is what’s actually fulfilling and what’s actually making us grow...
And for me specially, it’s all about experiences. Things are nice if they serve a specific purpose, to give me an experience.
I feel a sense of completed duty after writing and publishing a text here. This is what empowers me to step into a new world where our perfect match is making the best use of time, and this accompany a fact of profound realization of life goals and dreams.
But for me to write I need a computer, internet, electricity, coffee…
I don’t really know yet how the future is going to be.
But I know that if we continue focused on improving and enhancing the person we are today we will attract more than just what we want, we will start attracting what we need.
The universe always give what you wish. But if you wish hard enough, it will give you what you NEED next summer.
In order to accept, we need to first allow others to share their experience with us. We are accepting their perfect imperfections and embracing as they come.
We need to be first whole and complete. It’s only when two whole beings meet that addition can happen instead of destruction.
That’s the direction that makes our heat beats stronger. This direction allows resonance to happen.
Once we get that general concept it becomes easier to feel already whole and complete.
Even knowing that I am not perfect myself, nor want to be, I realized that we all have perfect imperfections.
And that’s what show us our intentions. We came to this life as a pure manifestation of life. And we are only concerned about growing from the soul’s perspective.
What feels right is then becomes right. We become rejection bulletproof.
And if we create and act upon love, for the name of love, that we can say that it is because of love that we are becoming who we are.
It’s not the ego speaking but rather a friendly feeling of being ready to experience changes and flowing with life as it should be.
Letting it be. Letting it go.
When we flow with life we always go in the path of least resistance.
And I came here to help you notice subtle details in this process of flow.
Because we cannot force something to happen. All we can do is allow and accept. These are words of wisdom, let it be •:)
Two souls that are meant to be with each other will always find their way back.
Be bold enough to knock that door.
“It was already planed, since all eternity, everything that is happening right now. In the same novel, your existence and this accident will have been due to the inevitable effect of the causes.”
— Marcus Aurelius
As Always,
Thanks For Reading ❤