Anger — Wisdom by the Dalai Lama
Anger is a sign of weakness.
“ If your mind is dominated by anger, you will lose the greatest part of your human intelligence: wisdom,
That is the ability to discern between good and evil.
Anger is one of the greatest problems that we have to face in the world today.
In the course of our daily human relations, if we speak straightforwardly and in a reasoned way, anger is not necessary. Any points of difference can be discussed.
Whenever we cannot justify ourselves through reason, that is when anger rises. It is when reason ends that anger begins.
In my experience, even if anger gives us the strength to react or to respond in the event of conflict, the energy it gives is blind and difficult to control.
The only advantage that anger has is this extra energy it brings us, but we could find this energy just as well from other sources without having to harm ourselves and others. ”
— The Dalai Lama’s little book of inner peace p.259
Journal Entry — 27/12/17
“Today I noticed that I need to step up and grow. Things are going to change and I’ll need to be normally living when they do. I realize that the current perspective I got is one with a life of freedom and joy.
But more than this, I cannot worry on manifesting it anymore. The more I worry the harder it gets. In order to be successful i need to flow naturally as a river flows in its course.
Flowing is easy once I learn how to let go. This is quite powerful because I no longer need to be stressed if things don’t work out as expected, I can go my own way and trust that the “how” will be easily managed.
I will only focus on learning and take action if I listen the call from my inner guidance system, which is my hearth’s wisdom.”
Thanks for Reading ❤
#Day 47