Advice To Young People
4 min readJun 3, 2019
This article is a rewrite,
with some important parts
of the book Letters To A Young Poet — R. M. Rilke
- There is only one loneliness, and it is big, not easy to bear.
- The time is coming when almost everyone would like to exchange loneliness for any union, however banal and valueless it is. To change it by the appearance of a minimum agreement with the other, even if it’s the most unworthy person.
- Precisely these are the hours when the loneliness grows, because its growth
it is painful as the growth of a boy and sad as the beginning of spring. - But this should not confuse you. What is needed is just the following: loneliness, a great inner solitude. Enter yourself and even if you do not meet anyone for hours, you have to get it.
- Be lonely as you were as a child, when the adults moved back and forth, involved with things that seemed important and grandiose, alone because those adults seemed to be so busy and because the child didn’t understood nothing of their business.
- And one day, when we realize that their occupations are petty, that their professions are stiffened and no longer linked to life, why not look at them as a child observes something strange, from the depth of the world itself, the breadth of its own a job, a position and a profession? Why would you want to change the wise understanding of a child by the defensive attitude and by the contempt, since the non-understanding is to be alone, but the defensive attitude and the contempt are participation in what, with these resources, People want to get away?
- just pay attention to what comes from within, and raise it above all that you see around. If a more intimate event is worthy of all your love, it is in this event that you must work in some way, without wasting much time or effort to clarify your position in relation to other men.
Who tells you that you have a position?
- The position with which you have to live now is no longer loaded with conventions, prejudices and than all other charges;
- if there are some who reveal greater freedom, yet there is none that is broad and spacious, that relates with the great things of which the true life is constituted.
- What you have to face now is something that would be felt in any
another profession, even if, without any charge, he who had sought alone a light and independent contact with society, would not be spared of this oppressive feeling. “It is so everywhere; - but this is no reason for fear or sadness;
- if there is no communion between men and Lord, try to be close to things, which will not abandon you; still there remain the nights and the winds that pass through the trees and over many lands; between things and animals, everything is still full of events in which can take part; and the children are still as you were when you were a child, equally sad and equally happy. When you think about your childhood, live again among them, so that adults are nothing and their virtues are worthless.
Do not you realize how everything that happens is always a start over?
- And it could not be the beginning, since every beginning is always so beautiful? If it is the most perfect, a little one does not have to be before him, so that he can to choose from wholeness and superabundance?
- It does not have to be the last, in order to encompass everything? And what sense would we have if the one Lord by which we wish to speak had already existed?
- Just as bees gather honey, we gather the sweetest in everything and we build it. It is with what is least, with what is insignificant (if it is the result of love) that we started, then we work and rest, to a silence or to a small solitary joy, the everything we do alone, without participants and collaborators, as well as we will not witness, just as our our ancestors could not witness us.
- Can something take away your hope of being someday in the presence of infinity, in the distant, not the most extreme infinity?
- Dear sir, celebrate Christmas with this pious feeling that he may need this exact anguish on your part, in order to begin. These transition days may be precisely the time when everything in you works on him, as in the past, as a child, you Worked on it, out of breath.
- Be patient, unwilling, and think that the The least we can do is not hinder its coming more than the Earth hinders the arrival of spring when it is announced
Thank You For Reading ❤