6 thoughts on how to grow your heart smile.

Fernando Aguilar
6 min readDec 1, 2017


Bright future is ahead. The moment we got our fingers moving, great things start coming out of life.

Life is a cycle and we are usually too blind to see the moments passing, to see how the cycle goes.

There is harmony in everything. The more we can connect with nature, the more we realize that living is just a matter of choosing what you are going to do next.

The incredible feeling of stepping out of comfort zone and embracing this expansive love is a big inspiration.

There is inspiration everywhere, actually.

“The aspects that are most important to us are usually hidden to us because of their simplicity and familiarity.” — Ludwig Wittgenstein

Right now I’m listening to some music while loosing myself. It shows me that not everything that I’m saying is going to be worth to you, but something will be real worth for the readers to read.

1. Life is just this amazing experience that doesn’t make any sense.

Is not always comfortable, but it is really beautiful when looking with the right eyes.

Improving a little per day is not always a easy route, but is rewarding. It allow us to make things happen. And making progress is a matter of habits and persistence.

When climbing our ways up, we must do the work for ourselves, even when the worlds shakes and the insecurity strikes. But when we are able to smile at the mirror and embrace this internal sense of love, we allow our personality to exist. To make further progress.

The duality is always present. The injustice of the world is everywhere.

There isn’t a lot we can do to change it. But for every zero there is going to be the one.

I see that energy harvesters are everywhere. And the more we improve, the less we are affected by the course of the world and its injustice.

Because, generally speaking, increasing our vibration allow us to observe and comprehend. It is profound and celestial.

2. We should keep perceiving the path of growth.

To make needed inner changes is to turn lead in gold. Accelerating the evolution process of ourselves.

I could talk about a lots of different topics… I’ve written a lot of topics, but now I erase them all. — Let’s just stick with this phrase:

I’m choosing to talk about human evolution because it is helping me to understand more of life while also giving an overview to you.

So hey, what are we going to accomplish by doing the same things over and over?

We expect different result from doing the same things, and that’s not so smart. And I am whatever I say I am, thus, I choose to be different.

There is just something I really need to say: I’m afraid to loose my values, my essence, my core. To forget who I am.

3. if I’m sharing ideas, then I’m fine.

As long as I’m having fun and improving myself, I’m growing. The adventure is in the trail to the summit, not in the end flag.

After a while, we start being more ethics while approaching to life in general.

To relate with other human beings in a positive way give us a whole sense of fulfillment, we then balance the social and political aspect of our internal nature.

Life is a game, it truly is.

And we can choose to live it as playing with the best character in the game.

There isn’t problems in games, if we fail we try again.

If we succeed we move on, learning new tricks and becoming better at it. This mindset allow our psychology to be seen as a fluid aspect of our personality.

And there is no suffer. Nor happiness. Nor a spoon.

We feel and interpret life as we need it to be. It is a reflection of our thoughts.

4. Love is a skill, and we should practice it more…

Our planet doesn’t need more “successful people”. Our planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restores & lovers of all kinds. — David W. Orr

Mutual love is seeing the other needs, and treating him as you would like to be treated.

Being kinder, this is actually a reminder.

True love is only possible if there is respect for the singularity and distinction that each of us represent.

Paradoxically, it is from this point of view that we begin to create a connection with the other human being.

Love demands a huge amount of respect, and its basis is the autonomy and the non-blending aspect of our personality.

But generally what happens in social interactions is different. Motivated by the huge desire to connect and unite, we often confuse our boundaries. We try to love, but the end result is an unbalanced relation caused by our desperation of creating a conformity.

The ability to find a meaning to life is what characterize the human being.

We often say “I love you”, when usually what it really means is “I see myself in you”, or maybe, “I want to possess you.”

Everything needs food to grow. And even love does. We can learn how to nurture our love and happiness, so that we provide the support for our growth.

The only way to love, as affirms Erich Fromm, is with liberty. Allowing the other to practice all the individuality. This approach provides solidity, and peace.

It is important to respect the different opinion, preferences and beliefs. We can’t find love while trying to fit the other in a general role or position.

This is not a question of finding your perfect match or your soul mate. Love is a connection of someone with something else, external to the self.

“Love is a union with someone or something, exterior, under the condition of keeping the separation and the integrity of the individual” — Erich Fromm

5. Understanding others is the best gift we can give.

A lot of people spend a lot of time and money trying to cultivate the image that they judge ideal for being accepted.

Building the self image that has more chances of being loved or desired.

But this is declaiming us, this approach of life is controlling human being from being victorious in the game of life. It is a mind control, because we intentionally project who we want to be seen by others, not who we really are.

Those who guide themselves by the possibility of receiving love for their personality generally don’t have the same powers than those who guide themselves with the perspective of being lovely to others.

True love adds a profound feeling of joy for being alive.

Society has cultivated a view that everything that is good is outside. And this creates a constant need for acquiring new things, even through it does not bring those needed reliefs.

6. The man skilled with reason is the universe aware of itself.

Life is constantly charged with the feeling of impotence caused by the illusion of separation.

But we are actually whole, and alive. We breath, we are generous, compressive, happy and serene.

These feeling of impotence might be dissolved if…

1 . We commit to find our own ideas and skill-sets.

2. We accept our personal singularity, our genuineness.

3. We develop our capability of mutual love.

With practice, we can learn how to see the mind and the body as a total sum. But we are more than those two entities. We are actually complete.

The mind trust in the body to manifest. And the body trust in the mind to stay alive.

Everything is interconnected, and so are we.

#Day 23

Reviving #The100DayWritingProject


❤ love you. ❤



Fernando Aguilar
Fernando Aguilar

Written by Fernando Aguilar

• • Outputting thoughts as they emerge from inside ••

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