5 Steps to Unlearn Life Lessons And Relearn How to Become Better.
Day 03/100 — The Empowered Human Improving Life In a Phenomenal Way.
Many of us have some mindsets of what would make us feel better. Ideas that we read somewhere but haven’t applied them in our lives yet.
I always ask myself, how are all these life lessons serving me and how can I unlearn them?
To start learning and improving myself to become my greatest version I will have to forget what others told me before.
In this article, I will expand thoughts on how to start your own emergence process by telling a story about how this process unfolds in my own life.
When writing from the heart, the outcome is better because we are being instead of doing something.
Now I feel like it’s the right time and place to start helping others.
As the author, Barbara Hubbard said in the book Emergence: the shift from ego to essence,
“I see our own emergence as a natural aspect of the planetary shift from one phase of evolution to the next.
But I think we need to find ways to humanize the insights that all esoteric philosophical and spiritual writing can provide if we are to bridge the gap between body, mind, and spirit and produce outcomes that match inputs…”
And this unique perspective has the power to reduce the gap between who you are and who you want to become.
By applying concepts and ideas of profound value while giving people a unique perspective on how to increase the overall quality of their lives, we are becoming better and the earth is also improving because of us.
If you choose to act upon beliefs your heart feels as right, you emerge into profound wisdom. You see the simple truth of life by what it is.
Bellow follows 5 ways to start being instead of doing.
1. To actively Grow You’ll Need to Change Something
This is one way which we can change our realities. By changing ourselves.
The shift of focus from doing to being free us from egoistic attachment.
This eventually also frees our vocation to come forth as a flow of creativity without obstruction of anxiety and self-criticism.
If there is something that you do not like in the current moment, realize that this something is not fixed, but rather, fluid and you can apply your focus and energy on it to create a spiral of changes.
It is easy to get lost in questions like why, how, when, where.
These questions are sometimes impossible to answer, and we overwhelm ourselves in trying. But as the wise Yoda once said, do or do not, there is no try.
The best way to do is to create a system that allows the work to be done.
This system consists of doing 1% improvements every day, and this is the power of habits. We are showing up every day because it is natural for us.
When I needed to change, I changed my life habits to face a more healthy lifestyle, and this created a profound spiral of changes which lead me to achieve 1 year without eating meat. I also quit smoking and drinking.
It is already part of who I am. And that is when deeper changes can occur.
2. Let The Universe Decide How it Happens
Even if you don’t get the desired results, in the end, you have at least moved with applied energy.
Instead of trying to make life perfect, give yourself the freedom to make it an adventure and go ever upward.
Everything will be okay in the end. You simply have to put one foot in front of the other and keep going. Never give up hope, because you never know.
It could still happen.
It is hope that allows us to release ourselves from expectation to make those small steps that will put us in better positions.
It’s all a mindset. Change your thoughts and you’ll change your world.
Sometimes I feel a smaller syndrome, the way that I escape from it is to just be open to allow and say to myself: I’m worthy of nothing else than greatness.
You begin to feel a new freedom from anxiety, pressure, and compulsions after changing the mindset.
Another way to unlearn limiting belief system is acknowledging when we become a victim of the circumstance. Our mindset that everything is everybody else’s fault happens when so many of us point the finger saying you did it, not taking the responsibility for our own power.
The thing is: we are the ones governing how we feel internally.
And we have to trust the universe to help us bring what is inside to the surface.
3. Be specific
We’ve all had the experience of “almost” getting what we want.
Being human sometimes hurt. We all have problems and they come with pain because we have to learn from these experiences.
I am glad to realize early on my journey that the most valuable thing existent in my world is myself. This is why I practice so much self-love.
We cannot grow if we keep repeating the same mistakes that situations are trying to teach us how to overcome.
As you progress through your adventure, the universe will start to bring you what you’ve been thinking about. If you haven’t thought at all about a key detail, your dream might manifest without it.
When we are experiencing synchronistic experiences and living for the best, you will realize that the universe is helping you to manifest what you want.
When being specific I mean to really go deep into details of life. Observing how you can learn from situations and use them as an anchoring point to sustain growth.
A lot of us give ourselves such a hard time in accumulating knowledge and information when we could use this energy accumulating natural wisdom.
True wisdom is information applied, it does not matter how many books you’ve read.
By changing ourselves first, we are able to change everything else later.
I was inspired by great humans like Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds to become a software engineer.
But it was nature that inspired me to become an infinite being and drop all of those labels. That’s what freed me. And that’s where I found my greatest power.
Nature has specific tasks for everything. Be it a lizard, a flower, or a moss.
The human specific task is to bridge the divine and the earth, and thus I see that just surrendering to everything you think you are is the only way to start discovering your true authenticity. Your true essence.
The new paradigm is all about co-creation and cooperation.
We are not competing anymore, we are helping each other to become the greatest.
4. Start Everything You Think You Can Accomplish.
Every day I put myself out here with 100% confidence.
Because I trust in what I am doing. And I’m not doing it just to please people or make money. That’s just a byproduct.
I’m publishing a text every day for the process of self-exploration and the process of becoming the best version I can be.
Does it make sense?
If you want to please everyone, do it! People are only seeing us in their perspective, it’s always in a whole different way than we imagine.
This means that it will be impossible to control how they feel about you, and thus, you’ll always be in separation, in lack.
The perception we have of ourselves is greater than the perception other people have of us.
That’s why I am only concerned about seeing myself as the highest possible vibrant regard.
If people are resonating with the energy I am, that’s fantastic!
But if not, there is no problem. Does not matter.
We keep moving, we keep smiling, we keep full of light energy.
Make a change today by focusing all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. Your past is gone and is only given power if you choose to. Focus on building the happiness you want tomorrow by acting on today. You can do it!
5. Immerse Yourself in the Vision.
Imagine what would happen if we all treated each other with respect.
But we are not living in an ideal world, and because of that, there are going to be people who get on our nerves. No way around them.
I am all for working with tools to empower myself and take a hundred percent responsibility. If it is not my responsibility I assume it.
Because then I am taking back and claiming my power.
I strive to become successful, and sometimes people might tear me down because my actions are reflecting their fears are upon their eyes.
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying and most of all, love for what doing or learning to do.
Purify your mind from clutter and your heart from sorrow.
Today is a glorious day because it is the day that I intentionally choose to grow up changing actions. To get rid of what isn’t beneficial anymore.
I acknowledge that I still have a lot to learn, but more important than that, I am expressing my openness to receive guidance from nature.
The Empowered Human is a project to inspire others on the trek of consciousness evolution to emerge into a new society.
Carefully picked words talking about my perspective on deep subjects.
Check out some articles of The Empowered Human:
1 — How to Recognize Your True Purpose When You Want to Learn Everything
2 — Tools For Becoming Free and Awake.
3 — Simple Truth of Life Revealed
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💎 Day 03
Much Love &
Peace &
You are not alone 👁